Chinese Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
Classic beauty with double flowers
The Chinese Hibiscus from our nursery has beautiful glossy dark green foliage with many double-flowered flowers in a colour palette of red, pink, yellow and white. It is the combination of the dark green leaves with the colourful flowers and many buds that makes for a very attractive overall picture. It is precisely because of this combination of characteristics that Sunshine Grow has focused on this classic Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. During the flowering season, it is a beautiful sight in our nursery.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis from Sunshine Grow is peat-free and ZERO CO2 grown.
Chinese Hibiscus double-flowered in our nursery
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis double-flowered
Enticing splashes of colour
The flowers of the Chinese Hibiscus surprise you every time. The flowers only bloom for a few days, but each time new buds pop open. This makes it a very lively plant that looks different every day! A plant you can fully enjoy with the coming and going of beautiful flowers.
The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, also known as Chinese Hibiscus, originates from tropical Asia. There, the plant can grow up to four metres tall! There are stories that the juices from the hibiscus flowers are used to colour eyebrows and shoes. This is why the plant is also called shoe polish plant. In Hawaii, the flower has another function. There, women put the flowers in their hair to seduce men. Don’t blame them!